we're back after the technological hitch (the hitch being we had to get a new hard drive installed into the computer seeing as though the old one fried - that's the end of music downloads for me!). So things are chugging along in Canada anyway. We're both hard at work and things don't seem too out of the ordinary at Foothills Academy. I fugure that kids are kids no matter where in the world you teach, and there's always stuff to be done after work, but at least it pays the bills (road bike, season passes, and ski bills that is!).

It's the end of September and the fall colours (yeah, yeah, I know I said fall) are spectacular. We hiked up to Sential Pass on the weekend and the larch trees were all doing what they do best (see picture). Sentianl Pass has a restriction in that you need at least 6 people to hike together on the trail (It's a safety thing, apparentley no group of six or more has ever been attacked by a bear, and the area is Prime Grizzly habitat - it was very interesting as we were the first on the hike and there was bear scat (shit) and diggings along the trail, so they're out there). Four of us headed out and we picked up a couple of random hikers in the parking lot so that we had a group of six (people just loiter around until they're in a big enough group). It's not ideal as you end up doing the whole social interview questions on the hike "hi, what's your name, where are you from, what do you do, isn't it all so nice up here?). We became a little blasay about the group thing on the decent, and lo and behold the rangers were on the trail counting group numbers, we hurried into the back of a big group that had just passed us and pretended to be with them - otherwise a $2000 fine!!!! (each) - the rules also say that the group is only a group if you are all walking within 3metres of one another - bloody hell! - although you wouldn't argue with the rifle toting rangers (I think it was a rubber bullet rifle to ward off the bears - but maybe it was to take out any hikers without six other friends).
Despite the rigmarole, it was well worth it.
O.K. O.K. Maybe my opening title 'back in business' was a little premature - I've just spent 30 mins trying to get more photos up on this post - and to no avail. So check back in a few hours and you'll see why it was well worth it hiking Sential Pass.
Cheerio for now.