So prior to washing down the Thanksgiving Turkey with a glass of red (not vimto) a day up Mt Indefatigable was on the cards. Blissfully aware of the snow, yet blissfully unaware of the cold (yeah I know snow is cold, but this was super chilly at the top) we marched up to the South summit of Indefatigable then scrambled over the super ridge to the north summit and made a tretcherous decent down an ice and snow laden buttress. Despite the holiday weekend, the entire Kananaskis valley was deserted, and we had blue sky too (well, on one side of the mountain we did anyway, the other side looked a bit like the next photo).
A trundle down through the meadow at the bottom (hoping to catch a glimpse of the resident Grizzly, whose diggings for roots were evident all over the place), and it was back home in time for tea.
Luckily for us, the Canucks enjoy Thanksgiving so much we get Monday off work, so it was off to Banff with the bikes. A couple of hours down the Bow Valley Parkway, spinning the new love of my life (new bike, for those unsure of my allegiance) to Castle Junction, then back to Banff to meet up with Brina who'd been merrily shopping the day away with Julie. Now it's the end of the long weekend and I'm back to fretting about legalities of employment and writing school reports. Ho hum, nearly the weekend again I suppose, and it's nearly time to be waxing those skis.
Well, seeing as though this is the third Thanksgiving I've had in North America I should be getting used to it, but in all honest ignorance, I still don't really get it and would prefer a bit of a Guy Fawkes theme with fireworks, bonfires and the usual abstract terror that comes with setting every garden in England on fire at the same time (I think I'll suggest that for next years Thanksgiving, rockets, Katherine wheels and burning pretend people on the fire).
Well I give thanks for the day off work, the beautiful scenery, snow, and most of you lot.
Happy Thanksgiving to you all,