Clearly the snow got to places where it shouldn't mid 'snow angel'.

After a while crusing around the nice fresh snow, we headed home to feast on Turkey and Christmas Pud (not in the

Also, the customary Christmas hangover has been ticked off the list too! A couple of pints and a wee glass of firewater is all that it takes for me to be writhing around in agony crying that I shall never touch a drop again! (I was actually home by 7.30pm so it can't have been that bad!).
We're eyeing up where to visit over the holidays. At the moment it looks like we're off to BC to ski and board for a few days, and then down into the states to test out what Montana's snow has to offer! (I still get a bit sketchy thinking about passing US customs officials seeing as though we don't have a great history - but I'm sure my new photocopied work visa will get me back into Canada!).
The fun things in the hills are going a plenty - and a brief jaunt to Mt Norquay to board for a few hours is the order of this afternoon (today being Chrimbo eve). Having jettisoned down a couple of rocky double black diamonds on Goats Eye mountain at Sunshine, I've dusted off the old helmet to keep my bonce safe - although without a helmet I look like I have the worlds biggest head anyway, so when I don the lid I resemble something more akin to Neil Armstrong at work for NASA. (One small step... and all that).
We'll update you with pre New Years antics, and in the meantime wish you all a very Merry Christmas (just keep off the firewater).
I've got some Brussel Sprouts to peal and Brinas on with the Triffle.
Don't burn the Turkey,
As well as ski-ing for the most part of the day with Darth Maul (above), the brother Vader did make an appearance;
Mt Assinaboine is the Matterhorn like Peak in the background behind Brina in the top photo. It's a classic landmark of the Canadian Rockies and it's pretty impressive to be ski-ing (boarding) with it sat on the horizon (as usual, the photo doesn't do it justice, but it's a bloody massive chunk of rock sitting higher than anything else around).
Brina was testing out her new skis, and they're a lot quicker than the old ones. Much to her delight, I inadvertently took us down a black diamond chute through the trees on the second run of the day. After much coaxing (and talking her out of divorcing me for taking her on such a ****ing stupid run) she glissaded down with ease (better than the oik with a snowboard who took her there!). The old board had a fun day out and found some steeper and deeper stuff when Darth Maul went in for an extra cup of hot chocolate and to warm her frozen tootsies.
We got there at last, the season opener was a good un, and hopefully next weekend will provide more of the same. (It may well even be a bit warmer - the crazy Calgary temps were in the minus 40s last week and they're forecasting plus 16 for this Thursday. I don't know many other places with a temperature range of 50 for the daily highs within two weeks).
The Christmas lights are coming out tonight (all the neighbours have had their outdoor lights up since the end of Halloween and our road is like the Strip in Vegas - only less hookers). I don't think I'll be too Christmassy until work is done - only two and a half weeks to go!!!!!!
Hope the weather isn't too crazy where ever you live,
Deck the Halls,