Last week was parent teacher interview days - meet the parents, assure them that their children are little darlings and don't really get on your nerves that often - then all is good. For the few kids who you just can't help but let loose on and deliver a tirade of negative abuse to the parents because little Johnny really is a "little shit", then these fellers make for somewhat heated discussions - but it makes the day interesting. But enough of that work nonsense...
The weekend brought the avalanche course which I went on with Brad. A day at the Uni on Saturday going through the theory with the guide sowing the seed of terror and blind panic about avalanches, followed by a day up at Bow Summit on Sunday (along the Icefield's Parkway). A super setting to spend the day getting involved with understanding the big white slides - and rather apt seeing as though two guys got caught in an avalanche there the weekend previous - grim! It was a useful day to hear the expert run through the drills and show us the ropes - a good refresher before heading out in earnest to find some good powder and get some turns in - The guide was from over in B.C. where he informed us of days with metres of powder and in some cases a place over in B.C. which had a minimum height limit on cat skiers because people were sinking so deep into the snow they'd be getting lost from view!!!! Roll on next weekend!
The excitement of winter play has really hit home now - and the weather has co-operated with fuelling the excitement as the snow has been falling in town all day - and in the mountains big time. Cochrane was snowed in and my usual 30 minute commute was a whopping 2 hour commute this morning because of the snow. The temps are toying with us as today's high was somewhere around minus 14, although as I was on outside bus duty at work yesterday the wind chill had temps down to about minus 26 - nice! (shovelling the drive is back in fashion too).
Other than that, the bike is seeing a bit of action in the week - but purely on the trainer (may be set there for a few months if this weather keeps up), Brina's latte skills are honed ever finer each day, and the cable t.v. which we had installed sucks us in like you wouldn't believe - the joys of watching the NFL and the NHL have never been appreciated so much by a Brit mid-week. I just can't wait for baseball to crank up again next year.
I'll be sure to get some up to date piccies posted this coming weekend.
I trust you all have a good set of long johns,
Enormous snowboard shaped smiles,