It's also that Happy Halloween time again (and I still don't get it but..), so Brina has gone all cosmic fairy like, in preparation for entertaining the kindergarten kidlings tomorrow! Apparently Halloween is way bigger than Christmas up on the reserve so it's a big deal to all! Brina tried to play it cool with her colleagues when they were asking her what she was dressing up as tomorrow; "oh I don't know" she lied, "I'll just have a rummage around tonight and see what I can throw together". The fibbing little blighter, she went out two weeks ago to buy her wings and has been harping on about her "costume" ever since! It all seems such good fun, but I just can't buy into it. Even at our school it's pretty intense with the need to dress up, the staff are all turning up as Zombies (all staff minus the lanky Brit that is, who will turn up as usual as a lanky unextraordinary Brit). I upset a few folks when it was asked by all staff in a meeting that the High School students should dress up the day before Halloween because they're all out of school at a career fair on Halloween day and will therefore miss the "fun". Rarely do I make rapid decisions in meetings but this request was immediately greeted by comments from me such as; "No Chance", "Ridiculous", "Obsurd", "Over the Top", "Suck it Up", and "Have I made myself clear that I can't abide all this dressing up and people enjoying themselves, so it aint gonna happen" - and it isn't!
Baring the oxygen deprived house (which is clearly taking its toll on the wife's dress sense) there aint much else going on. Been out on the bike a bit (but the nights close in with the clocks going back this weekend), had a few nights out running (but it's not biking and therefore I shall say no more), but I have procured a set of rollers for the bike. Those of you who know not what they are then you will be updated perhaps in the next post. Those of you in the "roller" know, then perhaps in the next post you will see a clip of me skidding across the basement floor on my face, under my bike, having spilled of the horrific machine! Seriously, they're the most terrifying things to put your bike on - I'm scared!
May you all keep well ventilated windows,
Trick or Treat,