Saturday, June 23, 2007

Me and Lance

The main news to post (belatedly) is probably my news of the year (life). With great whoopy doos of euphoria, I got to meet and chat to this feller who you may have seen knocking around on a bike from time to time.I couldn't believe it that I got a call on Wednesday morning from a parent at school asking me "Hi Simon, would you like to meet Lance Armstrong on Friday afternoon?" Never has a response been so swift "bloody hell yes!" And lo and behold, there I was Friday afternoon sat about four feet from the man himself as he chatted around to a group of us, after which there were questions followed by the meet and greet thing. I managed to babble on about something after shaking his hand (which in hindsight probably went something like, "errr, hi, errr gargle, mmm eeek"). It was primarily a cancer do, and there were a lot of patients from the Tom Baker there (the cancer clinic in Calgary I holiday in every other month). Lance's presentation was all cancer based (rightly so) and everyone else was clearly chatting to him about that - so I couldn't resist a bit of a diversion and had to have a quick natter with him about the tour and his epic time trial up Alp d'Huez - as he was dutifully signing my cycling jersey.. another quick handshake and I hoped a photo, but as I fumbled for my camera Lance's "man" turned him to some other star struck individual, so I left feeling unsure about being cheery - as in hindsight I was thinking I'd like to have a good hour or two sit down with this guy! But as the whole awe of meeting him left off, I became giddy as a school boy and realised that was a once in a lifetime number. Also, I found out that the ticket I was given to meet him cost $5000!!!!!! now that's the kind of gift I like!
I couldn't but ride today (having had to sit off the bike for a while) so was out at 6am on the quiet roads of Cochrane, still buzzing about meeting the big man - so that it was almost like I was sat on his wheel for the whole ride.
The rest of the day was spent on a jolly to Canomre for coffee, up to Johnson Canyon with mum Ken and Brina, followed by a glorious steak in Banff.
All in all not a bad 24 hours.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Keeping Mum

Just for the record, the title of this posting refers to the name of a great black comedy we watched that's set in rural England, and isn't a reference to mother's arrival - although it is rather apt!Mum arrived on Thursday, and upon stepping out of the car onto our driveway was greeted by the neighbours daughter who was gabbling on about five policemen heading down the pathway across the road to find a Grizzly Bear. Thinking of this as nothing but 4 year old talk, we were a little alarmed when the neighbour actually confirmed this to be true - apparently the authorities were down on the pathway investigating a Grizzly sighting!!!! Welcome back to Canada mum! Looking a little on edge we reassured mother that it was nothing, but as we stood on the deck that evening the coyotes were howling in the field like a wolf pack setting off for a kill!!! More dangerous fauna to welcome mum to the big empty colony that is Canada. Fortunately, the following morning it was only a few deer that were grazing across from the front garden, but within 24 hours mum had encountered more critters than people over here!
We mosied on out to the hills on the weekend, with a jolly old hike up Yamnuska on Saturday (with the rest of Calgary cluttering up the trails), and I rode to Bragg Creek early Sunday morning and mum and Brina drove out to meet me and we hiked around the pleasant trails there - all without animal incident (much to mother's relief!).
We've only a week left of work - and I'm running out of games and videos (and other useless fillers) to occupy the wee little blighters. Another trip down to the movie store is in need this evening in order pick up dvds for tomorrow's lessons - I have no more scientific knowledge that I care to impart up the buggers (I didn't have a great deal to part with at the begining of the year and had to be very careful to spread my science know how out evenly over the course of the year!).
Had another little blip at hospital today (having had my general cancer check up on Monday) the cause of which is curtailing me from cycling for a little while (yeah it's all bollock related) - thus sinking me into a rather depressive state as I'm meant to race next weekend and am chomping at the bit, but will have to bide my time to see if I can. Ho Hum.
Anyway, the holidays are near, the sun is out, and I've a bottle of vino to go and finsh,
Waddle On,
S&S (and mother).

Wednesday, June 06, 2007


As seems to be a developing pattern with living in Canada, mother's imminent arrival brings with it a torrent of rain. Having harped on that the sunshine has arrived, all snow melted long ago and that we are having a spell of rather glorious weather - the inclemency began on Sunday...

It wasn't enough however, to bring me in early from a great bike ride on Portland Ken's nice bouncy bike! Ken's heading back off stateside at the end of the month (you'll be missed mate), and one of the perks of storing some of his gear at our gaff is that some of his gear his nice shiney springy bicycle. I'd headed out in my scruffs for a quick blast to compare it to my bike (adamant that I wouldn't like it more than my trusty stead - as we've come a long way together) - but alas, the trails by our house weren't sufficient for a proper test, so heading further afield along Cochrane's evermore extensive trails I became a full suspension convert! I was having so much fun I didn't notice that the rain had been coming down in sheets for a couple of hours. It was only when the umpteenth crack of lightening zapped somewhere very close to my shock prone noggin' that I realised I'd better retreat indoors (when I returned Brina was stood worrying in the garage thinking I'd been bbqed somewhere on the hills). I couldn't feign any sympathetic "aw, sorry love for not telling you I was heading out on the bike" as my ear to ear grin was immovable for the next few hours! Now I know what I want for Christmas!

Other than that, the rain hasn't stopped all week (although we have a gap in the clouds forecast for tomorrow when mum lands - phew), and the flooding in Calgary last night was almost of biblical proportions.

We've had exams at school with the kids this last week, and I thought I'd leave you with a classic that just about sums up what I'm dealing with when trying to teach at work;

Hoping that all of your trigonometry is a little more comprehensive

You should've seen their faces when they were told to use a sextant in part of their exam!

Desperately clinging onto a fine thread of sanity (still marking exams)

Here's a red tick and 95% to all of you,
