So my ongoing claims from previous posts about finding great shots of Canada's finest critters remain unfounded, apart from Yogi, but I suppose that's cheating (now where did Brina leave that picnic basket?).
Canada had been treating us to days of nice hot sunshine, which has now been jinxed by the arrival of mum! Nice one mother, bring Manchester's rain over here why don't you! The ironic thing is, it's warm and sunny in Manchester - I suppose if the North West is having good weather, the crappy stuff has to go somewhere ( just a pity it has come here!). We had told mum about the great views, and super climate - but there is a certain glint of disbelief as she is greeted by nothing but thick, dank, grey towers of cloud.
We are still playing catch up with this blogg, having missed out a whole chunk of winter, so just for the record;

Yes, the first ski trip of the winter was bloody freezing - Brina's eyes only froze too until we got back to the car - made her ski faster though!!!
All that white stuff was great fun, but we are realising how short the summer season is now (especially with all this rain) so are having to make the most of these long daylight hours. At least it keeps me out of the basement renovations (all that can wait until winter when it's dark and miserable - as there is nothing more miserable than DIY).
Despite the clear lack of animal photography (which may not seem like a big deal to North American viewers of this page - but to humble Europeans who shot all of their large mammals to extinction hundreds of years ago and now find nothing more incredible and ferocious than Scottish Blackface Lambs prowling the fells of the UK - this is quite a big deal) we did go in search of Canada's iconic critter - the Beaver!!! We found a lodge and lots of lumberjack work like this....

These guys can chew their way through some serious log.
There are a few hikes and what not to be done in the coming weeks, and a trip up to Japser (those of you who don't know where that it - look on a map! - oops, sorry, that's the Geographer in me coming out again, Jasper is about four hours north of here, beyond the Columbia Icefields).
Anyway, hoping all is well with each and every one of you,
Cheerio for now,
S & S.
P.S. And big ups from Yogi as well (we'll get him next time).

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