Nearly 10,000kms rolled around on the Ford since we left out for the Soo a few weeks ago, but the road trip was well worth it! I got through the Prairies without much of a struggle, and, despite popular Canadian opinion, I would certainly cruise through the flatlands of Eastern Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba again. It's pretty incredible driving through the Prairies. As the photo shows, there is a serious amount of MAMBA (miles and miles of bugger all - for the less educated). With all that sky, and no gradients to hold you in, you feel like you are driving off the edge of the world (for days). I see now why people only every say that they are driving through the Prairies - there is nothing to stop for, the land just keeps on pushing you along, until eventually you hit Ontario where the trees, lakes and hills begin again; and you feel like stopping the car to look at something. The drive to the Soo took three days, and keeping motel costs down; my accomodation was more cosy than luxury;

Northern Ontario was well worth the drive. It is somewhat spectacular with desolate beaches hugging Lake Superior, rolling hills, and the bear sat watching traffic that made my day! The only snag is that if you are in a hurry to get anywhere, Northern Ontario is the last place you want to be. With all the twists and turns on the narrow roads and a 90km max limit (yes I do adhere to the limit after getting stung for $248 for speeding prior to leaving), the journey is definietly one that has to be savoured.
There were lots of places like this, with no-one there. Breakfast on the beach was a must in Ontario and a dip in the chilly waters of Superior was also much needed having neglected to wash or change my icebreaker since Cochrane.
Once in the Soo, we all had a great time - although that is coming on the next posting (as I'm playing catch up with all this at the moment - the party and the road trip will be up here next).
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