Sunday, November 19, 2006

Lazy River

The middle of November might not be the typical month to be associated with rafting in the Rockies, but that's what Sunday provided. Forget the great snow and ice all over the region, today was the day for navigating ice flows in a surreal a la Shakleton experience.

Having spent the previous two days at a Science teachers' conference, it was an immense relief to escape into the big outdoors. Despite school having funded our conference in Kananaskis, two days milling around with 400 other Science teachers (I say 'other' rather loosely seeing as though I am not actually a bonefide Scientist) is more than I can take before brain meltdown. Luckily Brina was in the same frame of mind so we averted as much social interaction with the other geeks and made the most of being out in the hills. Imagine 400 of the energizer bunnies banging on their bloody annoying drums 24/7 all stuck in the same room, each trying to outdo the other with some incredibly boring yet highly audiable drumming - well this course was the science equivalent of bunny drum banging.

Although Brina had to head home on Saturday, I left the conference and ventured out to finish an Outdoor Ed course I've been doing at the Uni. It was a weekend in Canmore, and the piece de resistance was the rafting trip from Banff to Canmore on the ice choked Bow River. The piccie at the top shows us drifting beneath Mt Rundle with the rather infamous ice route 'Terminator' hanging to the mountainside up above. The piccie below shows a bit more of the ice in the water, it was more akin to paddling in a big old slush puppie (that would be 'Slurpie' in Canadian speak).

That's about the fill of it all for this weekend. Another short week at work is coming up, Thursday and Friday are parent teacher days (sure beats the parent evenings we used to have), so no kids are in school then (phew). The house is shaking as I type (quite literally, the lamp on my desk is going like one of those nodding dogs in the back of a red neck's car) as we're getting hammered by the Chinook of all Chinooks. At least more snow is falling high up even if it is getting obliterated here. Although it's only Sunday eve - roll on next weekend!!!!

Battening down the hatches


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