Well hello all,
Tis only a meagre offering this time around. The whirlwind that is the end of term at school, sucks us in once again and many hours have been lost sat at my desk, bewildered that it is in fact Spring Break and I'm no where near completed all of the things that have to be done by the end of March (well, by the end of January actually, but since that deadline has long gone I'm just trying to put a positive spin on things).
Although time has been scant for blog posting, there has of course been ample time to ride, ride, ride. All is good on the cycling front, I am back into a fully fledged love affair with the road bike (much to Brina's disdain). I unashamedly admit to having spent a much larger percentage of quality time with the dreamy Giant TCR Advanced than wi' th' wife over the past few months - although th' wife is fighting back admirably by baking batch after batch of the greatest chocolate chip muffins ever, which is in fact luring me back inside on a more regular basis!
I rode out with Brad and Ken on Sunday - set off with nice blue sky, rode into an ever increasing wind which soon turned into a snow flurry that quickly morphed into a blizzard which petered out after half an hour or so to grey clouds that parted by the end of the ride to glorious sunshine - talk about all four seasons in one day.
We're off to see the Kendal Mt Film Festival tomorrow - should bring a nostalgic tear to my eye, hopefully there's some kind of Lake District footage amongst the clips shown (I'm guessing it's just like the Banff film festival but with less altitude (and attitude)). For you Geographical heathens Kendal is "The Gateway to the Lake District" up North in Cumbria (Aye, that be England not Alberta), and for those Land lubbing North Americans who aint been out East (that is, East across the pond), the Lake District is arguably one of the most beautiful pinpricks you could ever put on a world map.
The coming week should hold more fun in the hills. With Spring Break marking "Spring" we're due a high of minus 7 on Monday, the bike will be in (tucked up in silk sheets with a pillow) and I'll be out having a final kick of the winter ball. Off boarding with Portland Ken on Sunday then a guy I used to teach with is coming out to Banff, so we're off boarding for a few days, and the rest of the time will be spent ignoring any impending school work that has to be done!
Well, I managed to prattle on for longer than I anticipated having had nothing much to report at the start!
I've got to gear myself up for a Professional Development day tomorrow - no kids in school on the last day, just lots of teachers talking about themselves trying to sound important (I'll be the one snoozing and doodling in the corner - if only I was joking!).
Hope you're all paying more attention than I am,
Thinking of you all,And giving everyone a huge toothy grin,
Eye Eye
(Brina's gonna flip that I put this hideous piccie on - but I can't seem to take it off the page once it's posted on there - oops - I best nip out on the bike for a while til the dust settles).

1 comment:
Happy spring break to you both , we are off back to blighty tomorrow, will miss mountains scenery and Mark and Lucy, look forward to seeing you soon. love Mum and Ken.
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