The main news to post (belatedly) is probably my news of the year (life). With great whoopy doos of euphoria, I got to meet and chat to this feller who you may have seen knocking around on a bike from time to time.

I couldn't believe it that I got a call on Wednesday morning from a parent at school asking me "Hi Simon, would you like to meet Lance Armstrong on Friday afternoon?" Never has a response been so swift "bloody hell yes!" And lo and behold, there I was Friday afternoon sat about four feet from the man himself as he chatted around to a group of us, after which there were questions followed by the meet and greet thing. I managed to babble on about something after shaking his hand (which in hindsight probably went something like, "errr, hi, errr gargle, mmm eeek"). It was primarily a cancer do, and there were a lot of patients from the Tom Baker there (the cancer clinic in Calgary I holiday in every other month). Lance's presentation was all cancer based (rightly so) and everyone else was clearly chatting to him about that - so I couldn't resist a bit of a diversion and had to have a quick natter with him about the tour and his epic time trial up Alp d'Huez - as he was dutifully signing my cycling jersey.. another quick handshake and I hoped a photo, but as I fumbled for my camera Lance's "man" turned him to some other star struck individual, so I left feeling unsure about being cheery - as in hindsight I was thinking I'd like to have a good hour or two sit down with this guy! But as the whole awe of meeting him left off, I became giddy as a school boy and realised that was a once in a lifetime number. Also, I found out that the ticket I was given to meet him cost $5000!!!!!! now that's the kind of gift I like!
I couldn't but ride today (having had to sit off the bike for a while) so was out at 6am on the quiet roads of Cochrane, still buzzing about meeting the big man - so that it was almost like I was sat on his wheel for the whole ride.
The rest of the day was spent on a jolly to Canomre for coffee, up to Johnson Canyon with mum Ken and Brina, followed by a glorious steak in Banff.
All in all not a bad 24 hours.
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