Hey All,
phew... tis somewhat tiring trying to muster up the energy to write a post today, as the first week back to work with the kids in class is having the usual life draining effect. Getting back into the routine of waking at 6am, arriving at school by 7.30am in order to plan (nothing like leaving it til the last minute), aiming to wake up by 8.50 when the kids arrive on the scene, gulping down a piping hot mug of stinky strong industrial coffee by 10.30, maintaining the bluff appearance of knowing what I'm talking about until lunch, gasping for air at 1pm, trying to dodge the bullets until 3.20pm, sneaking out of work early before 4pm, home by 4.15 ish, falling asleep on the couch by 5.30pm (despite another couple of cups of the now tepid extra strength caffine in the afternoon), waking up with a start at 7.00pm, getting mega grumpy for having missed the good part of the evening, tidy up by 8pm, in bed by 9pm all ready to get the shit beaten out of me again the next day!!! Woo Hoo!! Work sucks!
Fortunately we're keeping an eye on the weekends, and at least work is paying for new snowboard playthings for the upcoming winter, and it pays for the bloody basement - which is looking even more spiffing than when last mentioned and expect to see pictures of the finished product in the next post!
Work did attempt to appease the staff last week by taking us to the zoo for one of the professional development days - although being at the zoo was far too reminiscent of being in a classroom with the kids, so not as hot a deal as it first sounded (always have a schoolboy kind of giggle at seeing the wanking monkies in the zoo - bless em!). A couple of us aimed to sabbotage the great team building activity in the afternoon by partaking the test and "fun" with little vigour and rather crass, vulgar written responses - only to be ousted by the zoo host who was running the gig (these Canucks can be rather enthusiastic for anything) which resulted in our being presented with pencils in the shape of dicks and tits at the staff meeting the following day at school (refeshing to get a sense of humour out of admin!).
Any camping over the last weekend was washed out with the weather, and also put on hold seeing as though we do nothing but spend out spare time in DIY shops at the moment.
All in all, teaching Social Studies is pretty good fun (I feel like I'm almost on familiar territory), I've got the Outdoor Ed class again this year so we're off rafting the end of this month, and will hopefully have a day climbing and a day ski-ing before Christmas too (that's the work I like).
Brina is putting up with work with as little effort as possible and she seems rather pleased by her laissez faire teaching style.
Probably be out in the mountains this weekend - summer is coming to an end, and we'll have shots of the leaves in fall before you know it.

The goats up top there were taken by Brina and Lucy on a hike off Logan's Pass in Glaceir NP, and the other photo (which I don't think I've posted before) is the focus climbing high in Colorado on the way to Aspen.
Keep fighting through the tough stuff (and the boring mundane crap),
nearly the weekend,