Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Coasting along...

Hi all...
Slowly getting back into the groove of work now. A big caffeine hit in the morning seems to be doing the job of helping to keep order amongst the unruly and maintaining a whiff of organisation in the air (or what seems to be organisation but is in fact blind panic fueled by sheer ignorance of Canadian history - oh the joy of teaching Social Studies). - It's actually really good fun at present, but what teacher worth their salt doesn't complain a bit, and I'm not one to break the mould... (thank god for the holidays etc..).
The weekend really saw the onset of Fall.

You can see how it's all begining to go a bit yellow down in the Elbow Valley there in the piccie. We had a little stroll around Fullerton Loop on Sunday - trying to make the most of the sun whilst it still shines... Saturday was a wee cycle but I think I posted that last time. The trees are really begining to turn their dramatic colours, the mornings are now pitch black when we get up (urrrgghhh), and it's all going a bit chilly... Here's the forecast warning copied from the weather offic for Cochrane for tonight;
A ridge of high pressure building down from the Arctic will bring cool air and clearing skies overnight. As a result overnight lows are expected to drop a few degrees below freezing tonight.

Just great, we've not gotten out of September and it's already brass monkies in the night-time. And what a Canadian report means by "a few degrees below freezing" I dread to think as these folks think minus 10 is a few degrees below!!

The critters are also out in force. A bear was wandering around Cochrane last week (black bear), we were told for sure that there was a Grizzly here in summer, on the path by the river - literally visible from the deck of our place!!!! There've been Cougars galore around Banff and Canmore, and a bloody black bear wrestled its way into somebody's garage in Calgary last night!

Anyhow, here's a little hello from Brina - and hopefully we'll get a video of the basement up here soon...

Wrapping up, and wrapping up,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Too cute. I too am dreading the colder temps and the darkness in the early mornings. Hang in there guys.