Merry Christmas all... (a day late
admittedly, but Brina and I both forgot yesterday morning that it was Christmas - seeing as though we'd impatiently opened our prezzies at Panorama four days earlier, and waking up in Golden on the 25
th just didn't seem to have that 'Santa' factor).
Spending a few days at Panorama was great, and a really beautiful contrast to the summer (although we must both be getting old, as despite the wondrous winter scene of the Purcells and great boarding, we both seemed to have a preference for the summer time and warmth, rather than the brassic minus 20 kind of weather - I couldn't stop prattling on about nostalgic spots of the TransRockies "oh, this happened here", and "ah, that happened there", etc...) - although Brina got into the swing of things too - as the video attests...)
Thrashing around on the split board was good fun (the resort board got benched after a few runs of blunt edges and close to fractured wrists and ring piece). However, in my over exuberance of having a the split board up and running, I thought it would be a great idea to skin up to the top of Panorama the following evening (and by evening, I mean pitch black night time!). For some reason unbeknown to man (or wife), I don't always think things through clearly when I get an excitable idea going on. So, sticking on the skins outside a rowdy bar at the base of the slope at 8pm, I set off upslope. Once into the glades I couldn't see too much (the expected light from the snow wasn't the illuminating force that I had in fact expected - more like a vague glow to remind me that the ground was downwards). A couple of close calls with the night-time groomers (which I chased like a car maker after a handout, as they lit up the slopes like an atomic blast, but couldn't keep pace with for more than a minute), then I was at the summit, rather disorientated as to which runs I skinned up, in the pitch black, head torch at home, and then it dawned on me... "shit!, I have to put the split board together". Having struggled to fit the board together properly in the condo a couple of hours earlier, the feat of constructing it in the blind darkness, in the minus holycrap it's cold temps, wearing very un-nimble duck taped mittens, was certainly a challenge (and only then did I begin to think through the associated pitfalls of skinning up at night-time). Somehow it was all very simple!?! but then the final realization of stupidity hit me - going down hill is way faster than going up - and the ability to see no more than one metre ahead isn't worth much when the board is pointing downhill and you start cruising along - so here's a snippet of perhaps the most pointless video ever... (but you get the picture - or don't)..
An early rise the next morning saw for a repeat of the route so that I could get to the top for sunrise and sneak the first runs down before the lifts opened, and this is half way up showing what I should have seen;
A few days over at Golden to ski Kicking Horse was the next stop on the trip, and it was a rather pleasant surprise to see how good the mts are around Golden - (although it was still bloody freezing).

Brina was all tucked up in her downy for the day...
A nice drive home on silent roads through the mts was had on Christmas morning (stopping at Lake Louise for breakfast - which was set at over $60 in the hotel, so a second cup muffin and coffee was opted for instead!). Just plotting a few more days out for the coming week, and am about to relieve the itch of not having cycled for five days with a good few hours on the windtrainer (hope there's a good movie on tv). Brina is about to go and get involved with the Boxing day riots in the sales at Market Mall (she's brave! but has got the feisty 'I want a bargain' attitude going on, so I pity for any unsuspecting shopper who crosses her path at the sales rack).
Hope you all feasted well on big bird,
May your festivus poles be shiny aluminium,
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