Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Hockey Humble Pie

Since belittling this fair nation's sporting prowess in a previous posting, I have come to realise that the final game of the Stanley Cup (that FA cup of hockey if you recall) is a monumental occassion that you just can't help but get swept up in; and as reluctant as I may be to refrain from admitting it was much more exciting to watch than any of England's world cup games so far - it was!
The only downside of the much anticipated game was that it was won, once again, by an American team - something which really, clearly galls the Canucks who have been trying to win this since 1996.
That's hockey done for the season, and now it's ball (as in base) and football (as in not real football - American football) for the rest of summer. Let's just hope that England pick it up a bit against Ecuador!
The holidays are coming and a big drive out to Sault Ste Marie is on the way, but there's still a bit of playtime in the mts to be had before then.

And they thought we were going on a summer hike;

I hope that all is well in your part of the world (where ever that may be)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see you both. It's been way too long. 3 more sleeps Brina!