Tuesday, November 21, 2006

So this is Canada eh?

Hi All,
For anyone reading this brief post who is Canadian, the following isn't really a big deal. But for all you other non Arctic dwellers, here's a glimpse of the forecast for the next four days (and we're still in November!).

Wednesday 22 Nov: High -10°C Low -14°C
Thursday 23 Nov: HIgh -5°C Low - 20°C
Friday 24 Nov: High - 20°C Low - 24°C
Saturday 25 Nov: High -24°C Low -28°C
Sunday 26 Nov: High -22 Low -27

Bloomin' eck, this Satuday seems like it's going to be an extra thermals day - don't think we'll be out rafting the river this weekend! Best go and plug the car in.
Hope you're all keeping warm,


Anonymous said...

You can keep it out there it is +10 here and supposed to be that until Saturday.
Love Mom

B&K said...

Sorry, I forgot that was my school blog account I had used. Ooops!