I refuse to acknowledge any sign whatsoever of winter in my life until November. To stamp my authority on such a bravado statement for Alberta, we stuck two fingers up to the chilly white season (although two fingers up in Canada means nothing more than Peace Man) and wheeled out the BBQ!

The cross between Ronald MacDonald and Kramer, hugging Sabrina, in the photo is Dan W from work. He'd been recuperating from a hernia operation at our house for a few days last week, and thought it'd be an idea to make pizza's on the bbq!?! Sounds rather peculiar, but they proved to be a lot better than my dodgy burgers!

As Brina hauled the goumet pizzas inside, she clearly gave away the fact that it isn't quite bbq weather yet, as she is all tucked up in her winter down! You may notice the occassional Guiness appearing on most shots here - a few pints of that and I was convinced that it was tropical outside! I was also convinced by the Guiness that streaking down the road was a damn good idea too - only I was thwarted by the sober, well wrapped wife.

After munching our way through the delicacy of bbq treats, Dan mentioned that some of his scab (from the hernia) might have fallen onto the bbq whils cooking. How? you ask. Well, this photo answers it all.
I hope this doesn't put too many off your suppers - although I have been off my food since! So that's how Ronald MacDonald gets the chicken McNuggets so crispy!
All else in Cochrane is very much the same. We're one week closer to the holidays, the nights are lighter, I'm cycling like a crazy fool and developing an unwanted stick insect physique (I rode home from work today and broke the land speed record, 1hour 12mins from Calgary to Cochrane on the TransCanada - I'll be shaving me legs before you know it). This is certainly the quiet transition between winter and summer - Spring doesn't seem to do the same things in Canada that it does in the rest of the world. Although it's May 1st, I still have one day left on my Sunshine ski pass, and have three weeks left to use it before the mt closes down - so perhaps I'll get a boarding day this coming weekend - and hopefully tales more exciting than scabby bbqs hosted by the clown representative from a fast food resaurant on his day off.
I'm lovin' it.
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