Just a quick salutation today. Canada is all very calm at the moment, the weather's holding fine, the powers that be at work still refuse to aknowledge my incompetence, and my bicycling obsession grows to the exacting standards of what it was like when I was 16 years old!
Anyhow, the picture count for the year so far reads thus;
One of these (as seen outside the front of the house two weeks ago);
One of these (as seen on Sunday as Brad and I rode to Millarville from Bragg Creek!
And for those of you living in Manchester, you'll also be spotting one of these beauties back home now (Scousers, Gooners and Chavski folk take note - it aint yours!)
nb: Canadians might not recognise the Premiership trophy above, but just think of it as being like the Stanley Cup - only better!
So all in all, a very good week. More of this wonderful Canadian wildlife seen stumbling across the roads - I'm O.K. with meeting moose by the road when on the bike, but am not sure how I shall react if ever I encounter a Grizzly on the roadside whilst cycling - it'll certainly make me pedal a bit quicker! The biking is going great and we'll be up in Edmonton next weekend for another race which will be fun. And to top it all off, Utd win the Premiership - AGAIN (something the scousers have never managed to achieve - I needed to get a dig in somewhere!).
Hope you're all cruising along quite nicely thankyou very much,
Glory glory Man Utd (followed by rapturous applause and a modicum of hooliganism outside the stadium after the final whistle)
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