Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year (did we miss it?)

Happy New Year to you all,
It's not quite here yet - tis early New Years eve (although we only realised it was New Year's Eve at about 4pm today!). It'll be highly surprising if either of us make it to midnight, so I like to think of myself still being on British time today - that way it's already 2008 as I write this and I can go to be with a clear, non curmudgeon conscience.
Christmas went well, the early morning Christmas ski was lovely. Rather than head to Peter Lougheed Park, we mosied on up to Canmore and skied a couple of hours along Goat Creek. Brina, in all her wisdom thought that just because she'd got new warm socks for Christmas that she only needed sandals...
Whilst I was content to flaunt my 'Manly' chocolate - you've gotta love Yorkie Bars! English chocky on a Christmas morn' is such a treat - one of the few things Blighty still gets right these days!
Even the sun managed to make an appearance...
And what better surroundings to get the festive feel....
And it's off into the trees.....
Keeping on track....
And for the obligatory 'lovey duvvy' Chrimbo shot...
That's somewhat of a picture fest. The rest of Christmas day was spent tucking into Turkey washed down with Guinness at the neighbour's house. Since then Brina has ended her reign as the Coffee Queen, we've skied a couple of times, and have been fighting the flu for the past 2 days (having stayed up until the unearthly hours of 11.30pm 2 nights ago for a curry with a couple of Brits who've moved into Cochrane - we're blaming the late night which is why I'm not optimistic about seeing in the New Year tonight - it's just another day).
But here's wishing you all a Happy New Year and looking forward to seeing you all (not at the same time) in 2008.

Humming Auld Lang Syne with as much enthusiasm as possible,
See you next year,

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