As promised in the last post I saved my festive cheer for today.... And there it was, hope you didn't miss it! The whole "Happy Holidays" nonsense really gets on my nerves - what's offensive about Christmas?!? - Even if don't believe in Christ or Mass then surely your beliefs are strong enough to indulge the Santa loving fraternity (Santa was one of the three wise men right?!?). The servers in Starbucks aren't meant to wish their customers "Merry Christmas", Christmas Trees are now only to be referred to as Holiday Trees!! - The only trees I want to see on holiday have palms and coconuts, stretching down white sandy beaches! The height of this PC absurdity stretches beyonds the realms of North America. The Brits banned hot cross buns at Easter time and Nativity plays in Primary schools are a big no no - wouldn't like to subject anybody of another ethnic descent to a different culture. But the most surprising addition to getting involved in the PC craze is Australia - the most chauvinistic, beer swilling, piss taking, not quite in the modern world kind of society, you could imagine (all in a wonderfully positive way, by the way!), and they're banning Santa from saying "Ho, Ho, Ho". Apparently it can lead to great uncertainty amongst the children sitting on his lap thinking that he is pointing out three hookers stood in line!
Well that little diatribe took me by surprise, I was only wanting to wish you all Merry Christmas (oops, there I go again with that festive cheer). Brina and I are off on our Christmas morning ski tomorrow - hot chocolate, Cadburys and croissants at the ready. Then around to the neighbours for Turkey and Guinness into the evening.
Got the first day at Sunshine in with Brad yesterday - snow was good, rusty skills were swiftly ironed out by both parties for much fun dashing through the trees, the piccie above almost illustrates the airbourne capabilities of Brad's skis - didn't really stop all day and the legs feel it today (I forgot that my bike legs don't transfer so easily to snowboarding). The only snag of the day was a bit of flat light which made for that terrifyingly hilarious sensation of sometimes not actually realising which way you're moving - up, down or arse over tit. Good to be back into the mix of winter though - still trying to accept the chilly Canadian temps (my blood refuses to believe that it isn't summer any more!).

So here's wishing you all a wonderful Christmas,
Happy Holidays,
p.s: Here's a piccie of two foreigners trying to pretend it's not too bloody freezing sat on the chairlift!

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