In order to alleviate such syndrome of down in the dumps, a long cross country ski was in order on Sunday (wasn't keen for a 3 hour sit on the wind trainer). Having loaded the car up, got myself kitted up, I hopped into the beloved Focus, and ....... nothing! Battery dead as an Iraqi Dictator (and now it was time to re-think the day and get on the windtrainer for 3 hours). Clearly the pic suggests a touch of frustration - but that was overwhelmed moreso when I decided to hike down to Canadian Tire to buy a battery - twas a mere minus 9, so no big deal. Alas, I hadn't considered that a car battery may weigh a little more than a pack of four AAAs - and hiking home with that thing was not a joy. Even the frickin' car is getting in on the 'down in the dumps' act. For you Brits about sniggering with mirth preparing to hurl a tirade of abuse my way for using the term 'frickin'', well I just thought that 'fucking' was a tad harsh on the poor old car - and also my Nana might be reading this... On which note, Nana is having a torrid time health wise and so a stint home to Blighty at Spring Break to see her is going to be the order of the day! Furthermore, to add to the woes (although none quite as pressing as Nana's health) it looks rather unlikely that Alberta Ed will be certifying me for next year - yawn, yawn, yawn... I'd harped on about this last year and thought I'd gotten around it - but they only gave me a temporary fix, and now expect me to sit a load more courses (27 credits!!!!) at Uni to be fully fledged to teach here! Well, there's no fucking chance! (apologies Nana, but Alberta Ed does deserve both barrels of my abuse). School have been great so far and keen to keep me - but things are coming to a head there too and I'll probably be flippin' burgers in September!
Brina's dayhome still seems to be taking shape and should be up and running soon (she's having a test run tomorrow as she has to look after the neighbour's two kids - one of whom has never been left alone by Mum before.. sounds like a day filled with "wwaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" to me. I've had a professional development day at school today (no kids - just developing us as educators in group sessions - yeah right!) that's if you call professional; filling in my training log planner that was discretely tucked inside my P.D. folder (inside which was double tucked a Harrods lingerie catalogue - you've gotta love BlackAdder).
It's family day on Monday ("bank holiday" for Brits, just "holiday" for the rest of the world), so Brina and I are off to those big pointy chunks of rock covered snow out west that I've been missing for the past couple of weekends (another contributor to the solemnity no doubt).
I hope that you are all manically cheery and full of piss and vinegar, and I promise to be somewhat upbeat and excitable next time (by when I may have ticked over to a melancholic 32 years old!!! bugger!)
Just off to find the Prosac,
Love to you all,
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