Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Let me send you to sleep

Hi all,
clearly nothing too exciting has occurred in the void that was last week as I would have eagerly posted it on the blog earlier than Wednesday evening. The Cochrane routine continues; rely on Kicking Horse's finest coffee beans to get motivated for a day with whining teenagers, come home, eat, ride the bike, fall off the bike into a coma for eight hours - repeat Monday through Friday...
The razzamatazz of the Superbowl did grab my attention somewhat this Sunday however. I've really bought into the fanfare that America sticks to its rather over the top sporting events, but even this was a bit too much for me. Despite thoroughly enjoying the game aspects of the Superbowl, the four hours of hype leading up to it were a bit too much to take and I couldn't stomach the "half time show" - When Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers come waltzing onto the pitch flailing their guitars and beards in the middle of a sporting fixture, you know that things are getting a bit out of hand (imagine the abuse you'd get for doing that in the middle of the FA Cup! - not that I'm championing hooligans!).
I've had the delightful task of teaching sex ed to grade 8 kids at school this week. An hour of giggling about willies and boobies is rather draining - and the whole fanny thing here means "bum" which still catches me off guard! I had to reluctantly get involved with the kids "special" questions that they had asked of a sex ed councilor who came in last week, but who left me to pick up the pieces of her special questions - so today was spent trying to address queries such as; "can you get full body condoms? can you get pregnant from a golden shower? (crying out loud these kids are grade 8!) is there really a bone in your todger?" etc... Not one of my more comfortable lessons that's for sure! One student confused abstinence with aboriginal and went on a whole tirade about how being aboriginal is so important until you're married!
Brina's been out at Morley teaching again and I'm expecting her to come home in headress and mocassins by the end of the week (said the spokepeson for First Nation relations).
Jeez, I've got nothing else to drone on about so shall leave you with the nonesensical brevity that is this post.
I'll have something good to harp on about next week (I'm sure!). Obviously I've not piccies of the week (pretty certain that you don't really give a toss what the new couch looks like - I've got nothing else...) So here's a little ditty from Vail high street - me and the chicks....

Desperately hoping to redeem myself next week,

In the meantime avoid all talk fo fallopian tubes with 14 year olds...


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