And it had - just... . We had planned to have more of a relaxing wander around K Country, the major intention was of the day was based primarily around sitting and drinking coffee, although all didn't go according quite to plan when we (I) thought it would be a good idea to take an infamous 'short cut' through the undergrowth to get back to Delta Lodge. Neglecting to observe the fact that we were on the wrong side of the river (well, just ignoring the fact due to my disdain for hiking back along the route you came), we ended up following deer and Elk through the trees on an extra 2 hour detour (well, we certainly earned ourselves the coffee and cake anyway).
The weekend saw a bit of Saturday sauntering the streets of Banff (the idea to go for a ride in the hills was thwarted by icy winds and flurries - I'm just getting soft in my old age), followed by Brina writing reports for school, and me having to read a shed load of teachers' reports to make sure they've not made any mistakes (Like I know!!!).
Sunday was a delight as we got a good couple of inches (at least) of snow, although it brings back the fun of sweeping down the car and scraping the windshield in order just to go for morning Lattes...
Other than that, work is same, although Brina seems to be enjoying the lovey dovies at Morley which is nice. The rollers have been getting a good spinning, and I have somehow become far too obsessed for an Englishman in the NFL (Throw a bit of razzmatazz, cheerleaders and pyrotechnics into a sport and it beats a dross Premiership game from rainy Hull anyday).
Fingers crossed that we'll be out ski-ing next weekend! We have finally booked our Christmas ski trip (knocked Whistler on the head as we needed a second mortgage to visit for just an afternoon, nearly booked Whitefish, but then plucked a 4 day pass for Panorama and Kicking Horse for a meagre $134 - so that was decision made, Pano and Golden here we come!).
Hopefully your snowfalls are light and fluffy,
Happy scraping,
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