a week or so back we did have a little bit of this...
A pre-going for a coffee on the weekend shovelling of the driveway had made me get rather excited and enthusiastic about snowboards, deep powder and avalanche dodging.
The resident Eskimo of Cochrane got all geared up....
and with the gearing up for a harsh winter, came balmy temperatures, a big melting of the snow, dry trails and a strange sense of "is this summer again?".
So apart from becoming all confused and distraught at the indecisive seasons, the mundanity of suburbia's 9-5 Monday to Friday thing continues to wear us down - but vigorous sessions on the rowers and falling off the rollers keep insanity at bay!!! Mrs. W is ticking off the days until Christmas, and then we're off to Panorama and Kicking Horse for a bit of resort ski-ing (just hope the bloody snow has come back by then, otherwise it'll be tennis and croquet on the green slopes). Brina was all keen to get the Christmas tree up this weekend, but it has officially been banned until Dec 1st - although the sneaky lass put up a load of Christmas decorations in the house when I nipped out for a ride at the weekend - so it reinforces my fear that my say in official bans in this house mean absolutely bugger all - so I've succumb to the early Christmas cheer (if you can't beat 'em, join 'em).
This is the time of year when the week long half term holiday is sorely missed, but we're trying to compensate for that by getting out into the hills every weekend. Looks like we will actually get the XC skis waxed up and running this Saturday out on the divide trail from Lake Louise to Field in BC, so that shoul be good fun!
Hoping that all the good stuff isn't melting away,
Get ready to untangle your baubles,
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